What are the most important JavaScript concepts to know for a job interview?
I had to interview developers for a bunch of Javascript positions. So here is the stuff I always check for in order to avoid to get drowned in a wall of buzzwords: The concept of prototypes (and what differs from more traditional inheritance approaches) and alternatives to inheritance. Inheritance and the prototype chain Why: I want to know that you will not use Javascript like Java or a traditional OOP lang. Closures) Closure (computer programming) | WikiWand Why: So that you not get lost in callback hell Loose Coupling in Javascript and Events Custom events in JavaScript Why: I want to be sure you don't dipp your code in useless if and switch statements + adding a lot of coupled code, just because you don't know about events. Duck Typing (for people coming from strong typed languages) Duck Typing in Javascript Why: Another very basic feature that comes with these kind of languages. Sync vs. Async and the challenges that come with it. Be able to explain the...