
Guide For Getting Free Stuff

Ok, if you are like me you have heard so much about the FreeIpods and FreeFlatScreens websites on different forums, blogs, IM's, etc, you are about to puke. So am I. But yet the draw of getting an Ipod for doing basically nothing is pretty strong. I dismissed all the "stories" of people getting their ipods as the marketing machine at work. However, when Kevin Rose published that not only did he receive his, but a few of his friends did as well, I figured I might take a chance and give it a go. Today I received proof that it does indeed work. Yep, I got my iPod. Whats in it for them? Step 1. Collect Names. Step 2. Send those names items worth $200 or more Step 3. ????? Step 4. Profit Before I signed up, I wanted to get to the bottom of the ?????. I didn't want any sweaty, filth pushing webmonkeys to have all my info, so I did my research. Gratis Internet, the parent company of the FreeIpods, FreeFlatscreens, etc. sites, recently did an interview with Wired Ma...

How To Set Up FTP Server

Register free at the page. (follow all the instructions you get there) Look at the top, and you see the Host Search. Write the name you want, and press Go! Then download the program called No-IP on the site, or use this .... Read More

Excellent tricks and techniques of Google Hacks

ws_ftp.ini is a configuration file for a popular FTP client that stores usernames, (weakly) encoded passwords, sites and directories that the user can store for later reference. These should not be on the web  Read More ....

How To Change Your Ip In Less Then 1 Minute

1. Click on "Start" in the bottom left hand corner of screen 2. Click on "Run" 3. Type in "command" and hit ok You should now be at an MSDOS prompt screen.  Read More ....

Advanced Shellcoding Techniques

This technique was originally developed by Sorbo of  The mul instruction may, on the surface, seem mundane, and it's purpose obvious.  However, when faced with the difficult challenge of shrinking your shellcode, it proves to be quite useful.  First some background information on the mul instruction itself...  Read More

How To Stop Spam

HOW TO STOP SPAM VIA WINDOWS MESSENGER SERVICE Below you'll find many ways (sorted in the most successful ratio first) to stop the Windows Messenger service, depending on your system environment, some may require more than one process. This service is available only on NT, 2K, XP & Server 2003. Administrator Login is REQUIRED  Read More ....

How to make key generators

Hi there, in this tutorial, I intend to teach you how to make a pretty simple keygen, of a program called W3Filer 32 V1.1.3. W3Filer is a pretty good web downloader... I guess some of you might know the program.  Read More ....